Crash Course: How to Land High Paying Jobs (Using A.I.)

A free 5-day email crash course on how to use AI in your job search to gain the advantage.

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    AJ Eckstein

    Founder @ The Final Round

    Who am I?

    I’m the Founder of "The Final Round" career platform, a Fortune 500 strategy consultant, a LinkedIn Learning Instructor with multiple online courses (40,000+ happy learners), a LinkedIn Creator (25,000 followers), a writer for Fast Company & Business Insider, a LinkedIn Top Voice for Hiring, a Forbes Under 30 Scholar, and a global speaker.

    What will you learn?

    1. Strategies to use AI tools and prompts to land higher paying jobs.
    2. Steps to becoming a top 1% LinkedIn user and creating content that converts.
    3. Methods to decode job descriptions to tailor your job applications.
    4. Tips to master job interview storytelling using AI.
    5. Walk-through of how to turn ChatGPT into your Salary Negotiation coach.